Planet PostgreSQL

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Ibrar Ahmed: PostgreSQL Database Security: External Server-Based Authentication

Database security is crucial to protecting sensitive information stored in a database. A critical aspect is authentication, which refers to verifying the identity of a user trying to access the database. The authentication process is typically accomplished through usernames and passwords and includes other factors such as security tokens and one-time passwords. Database Administrators (DBAs) must implement robust authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access the database and its data. Additionally, it is best practice to monitor regularly and audit database authentication logs to detect and prevent unauthorized access attempts. PostgreSQL server authentication refers to verifying the identity of a user trying to connect to the PostgreSQL server. This can be done using various methods, including password-based authentication, a client certificate, and external authentication methods such as GSSAPI, LDAP, and RADIUS. The pg_hba.conf file is used to configure the authentication methods the PostgreSQL server uses and can specify different methods for different types of connections. By default, PostgreSQL uses trust-based authentication, where any connection from localhost is considered trusted and doesn’t require a password. However, it’s important to note that it’s recommended to use password-based or external authentication methods for remote connections and production environments to ensure secure access to the data. When talking about security, authentication is the first line of defense. PostgreSQL provides various methods of authentication, which are categorized into three categories. PostgreSQL internal authentication  OS-based authentication External server-based authentication   PostgreSQL internal authentication and OS-based authentication have already been discussed in previous blogs. Now it’s time to discuss external authentication methods. PostgreSQL external authentication PostgreSQL supports a variety of external au[...]

数据库安全对于保护存储在数据库中的敏感信息至关重要,认证是关键的一环,通常通过用户名和密码完成,还包括安全令牌和一次性密码等因素。数据库管理员必须实施强大的认证机制,以确保只有授权用户才能访问数据库及其数据。PostgreSQL支持多种外部认证方法,包括GSSAPI、LDAP和RADIUS,可以通过pg_hba.conf文件配置认证方法,并且可以为不同类型的连接指定不同的方法。Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL提供了最佳和最关键的企业组件,以单一分发方式设计和测试,以便协同工作。

database postgresql security server

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