Saving Green: Accelerated Analytics Cuts Costs and Carbon


Companies are discovering how accelerated computing can boost their bottom lines while making a positive impact on the planet. The NVIDIA RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark, software that speeds data analytics, not only raises performance and lowers costs, it increases energy efficiency, too. That means it can help companies meet goals for net-zero emissions of Read article >

NVIDIA RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark是一款加速数据分析的软件,提高性能和降低成本,同时提高能源效率。基准测试显示,RAPIDS Accelerator可以减少碳足迹80%,提供5倍加速和4倍计算成本降低。如果每个Apache Spark用户都采用RAPIDS Accelerator,可以共同减少7.8公吨二氧化碳排放量,是绿色计算应对气候变化的例子。

Saving Green: Accelerated Analytics Cuts Costs and Carbon
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