The first Apple-approved emulator for the iPhone has arrived... and been pulled


A screenshot from iGBA. | Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge I played Game Boy Advance games on my iPhone this weekend thanks to a new emulator called iGBA, which appears to be the first Game Boy Advance emulator on the App Store since Apple started allowing emulators worldwide. The only trouble is, it doesn’t look like iGBA is developer Mattia La Spina’s own work. Something seemingly confirmed by Apple after it pulled the app for violating its copyright and spam rules, according to MacRumors. In an email to The Verge, developer Riley Testut said the app is an unauthorized clone of GBA4iOS, the open-source emulator he created for iOS over a decade ago (and recently resurrected for the Vision Pro). He said his app uses the GNU GPLv2 license. A Mastodon user found that iGBA does not reference the... Continue reading…

iGBA是一款新的模拟器,允许在iPhone上玩Game Boy Advance游戏。尽管不是开发者的作品,但存在用户数据收集和缺乏隐私政策等问题。苹果允许模拟器进入App Store,但质量有待提高。

The first Apple-approved emulator for the iPhone has arrived... and been pulled
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