New and upcoming capabilities with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)—An Azure Native ISV Service


Microsoft and Elastic partnered together in 2020 to build an Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)—An Azure Native ISV Service to create cloud native deeply integrated experiences for all Azure and Elastic customers to power their digital transformation. Since general availability, thanks to you, this service is growing rapidly while improving efficiency for all its customers.

Microsoft和Elastic合作建立Elastic Cloud-Azure本地ISV服务,为客户提供云原生深度集成体验,最新功能包括Elastic 8.X版本支持、集群和用户管理、私有链接和可观察性资源类型等。未来六个月,将推出Elastic版本选择、计费可见性增强和标准Azure市场列表上的Elastic客户本地体验等。

New and upcoming capabilities with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)—An Azure Native ISV Service
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