Microservices and Containers Explained… Using LEGOs


Just as a LEGO set consists of multiple pieces that you put together to build different structures, microservices are small, independent components that you can combine to build larger applications. This is a stark departure from the traditional monolithic architecture, where an application is developed as a single unit, often leading to less flexible and […] The post Microservices and Containers Explained… Using LEGOs appeared first on Redis.

微服务是小型、独立的组件,可以组合成更大的应用程序,而容器是一种在可移植和隔离的环境中打包和运行应用程序的方式。将微服务与容器配对可以简化单个服务的管理,确保故障隔离,实现无缝扩展,促进定制和快速部署,并提高整体效率和可靠性。Redis Enterprise使用容器(如Kubernetes)来促进容器化应用程序的部署、扩展和管理。Redis Enterprise Operator自动配置和执行许多Kubernetes功能,并使用Redis特定的控件来自动化数据平台的操作。Redis Enterprise on Kubernetes可以在本地使用Red Hat OpenShift、任何主要的云供应商或它们的组合,以获得真正的混合和多云体验。

Microservices and Containers Explained… Using LEGOs
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