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Introducing Service Principal and Managed Identity support on Azure DevOps

We are proud to announce that Service Principals and Managed Identities can now be used to authenticate with Azure DevOps. For those who have not heard of them before, these Azure Active Directory identities enable teams to gain access to your Azure DevOps organizations acting as their own application, The post Introducing Service Principal and Managed Identity support on Azure DevOps appeared first on Azure DevOps Blog.

Azure DevOps现在支持使用服务主体和托管标识进行身份验证,这是一种更安全和易管理的方法。与个人访问令牌(PAT)相比,服务主体和托管标识不依赖于单一故障点,也不易泄露。它可以与其他Azure资源一起使用相同的身份验证。

Azure DevOps azure devops service 安全 托管标识 服务主体 身份验证

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