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Shaun M. Thomas: PG Phriday: A Dirty Postgres Rag

Has it really come to this? AI is everywhere these days Postgres and AI go together like elephants and chocolate. At first glance, it seems like a silly combination. Postgres is an RDBMS for storing data with ACID compliance, functions, views, and maybe some extensions or foreign data wrappers. Where is room for AI in that? It may be trendy to take something, rub some AI on it, and then declare it a breakthrough technology, but that isn’t necessarily reality.

Postgres和AI可以共同工作,以增强数据库的功能。通过使用大型语言模型(LLMs),可以通过将数据库中的数据提供给它们来提高响应的准确性和相关性。通过使用pgvector等扩展将向量存储在数据库中,可以将Postgres转化为LLM。文章解释了向量摄入的过程以及如何使用向量相似性检索信息。对于较小的项目,建议使用本地LLM,如Mixtral 7B模型。文章还提供了解析文本、生成向量和查询数据库的代码示例。总的来说,AI和Postgres的集成可以极大地增强自然语言处理和搜索能力。

AI Postgres pg rag 向量 数据库 语言模型

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