Dallas Lu Dallas Lu -

How to fake the timezone of a git commit

The recent backdoor incident on XZ has sparked a lot of discussion, and everyone is interested in the real identity of the attacker, Jia Tan. Some netizens found out that his commit message contained information about the timezone of the Eastern 8 regions, but he is not closed on holidays in China. Interestingly, he is off on holidays in Eastern Europe. The final conclusion is that he is in Eastern Europe, disguised as being from the East 8 region. This article describes some of the technical details of modifying Git commit times.

最近XZ的后门事件引发了讨论,攻击者贾坦的真实身份成谜。他在东八区的提交信息显示他在中国假期期间未关闭,但在东欧假期期间关闭。本文介绍了修改Git提交时间的技术细节,包括使用其他时区和时区跳跃。攻击者可以使用专用环境、临时更改系统时区或Git钩子来隐藏或伪装时区。使用git filter-branch或git rebase可以修改历史提交。总之,Git中的日期和时区易于伪装,攻击者可以轻松篡改和隐藏。

Git提交时间修改 XZ后门事件 git git filter-branch 时区伪装 贾坦身份

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