Maybe I don’t want a Rosey the Robot after all


Friend or foe? The Jetsons’ Rosey the Robot has long been an inspiration for developing home robots. But should it be? | Image: Warner Bros. Television, Hanna-Barbera As a child of the 1980s, my perception of the smart home has been dominated by the idea that one day, we will all have Rosey the Robot-style robots roaming our homes — dusting the mantelpiece, preparing dinner, and unloading the dishwasher. (That last one is a must; we were smart enough to come up with a robot to wash our dishes; can’t we please come up with one that can also unload them?) However, after seeing Boston Dynamics’ latest droid, Atlas, unveiled this week, my childhood dreams are fast turning into a smart home nightmare. While The Jetsons’ robot housekeeper had a steely charm, accentuated by its frilly apron, the closer we come to having humanoid robots in our home, the more terrifying it appears they will be. Not so much... Continue reading…

最新的机器人Atlas让我对智能家居的看法发生了变化。虽然我小时候梦想着有一个像The Jetsons里的机器人管家一样的智能家居,但现在看来,拥有类似人形机器人的家可能会变成噩梦。我们需要的是专注于一项或两项相关工作的机器人,而不是能理解我们说话并模仿我们动作的机器人。当机器人出错时,后果可能很严重。我们需要更安全、更简单、更舒适的创新,而不是一个在家里四处走动的六英尺高的机器人。

Maybe I don’t want a Rosey the Robot after all
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