The winning combination for real-time insights: Messaging and event-driven architecture


A messaging queue technology is essential for businesses, but an event-driven architecture fueled by messaging might just be your x-factor. The post The winning combination for real-time insights: Messaging and event-driven architecture appeared first on IBM Blog.

在数字经济中,企业需要构建实时数据可用性基础的IT基础设施来提高运营效率。IBM MQ作为顶级消息代理备受认可,能够可靠地传递关键数据。与其他处理工具和标准消息协议集成,构建实时和容错技术栈。通过结合MQ和Kafka,开发实时智能解决方案。通过事件驱动的技术,添加流处理层来检测趋势和机会。IBM Event Automation提升事件驱动架构,提供低代码和直观的用户界面和功能。

The winning combination for real-time insights: Messaging and event-driven architecture
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