Using Redis VSS as a Retrieval Step in an LLM Chain


In this short tutorial, we create a chain with Relevance AI, Redis VSS, OpenAI GPT, and Cohere Wikipedia embeddings. Working with large language models (LLM) often requires retrieving the correct data to inject as context into a prompt. This is to give the LLM understanding of your own custom data without having to finetune the […] The post Using Redis VSS as a Retrieval Step in an LLM Chain appeared first on Redis.

本文介绍如何使用Relevance AI、Redis VSS、OpenAI GPT和Cohere Wikipedia嵌入来创建向量搜索检索系统。通过Redis导入数据,使用向量搜索检索数据,然后使用LLM模型提取最佳文章。同时介绍了如何在Relevance AI中构建链,并将其部署为可嵌入应用程序或API端点。提供了一个链接,可以在Redis Enterprise Cloud和Relevance AI上注册并开始构建自己的向量搜索检索系统。

Using Redis VSS as a Retrieval Step in an LLM Chain
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