Why is Windows 11 so annoying?


Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge A couple of weeks ago, I ran out of screen on the one external monitor my work-issued MacBook Air can run. So I switched to my five-year-old Windows desktop and plugged in another monitor. Love it. Productivity through the roof. But it means that I’m finally spending significant time in Windows 11, and gosh, is it janky. There are some things that Windows does very well compared to macOS and Linux. All the games are there, for one thing, and Windows runs on all sorts of hardware without a lot of fiddling. You do not have to spend a thousand dollars minimum on a non-upgradable machine to use it. You also generally do not have to download a bunch of drivers or spend six hours in the command line hand-assembling the goddamn operating... Continue reading…

作者对Windows 11不满意,尽管在游戏和硬件兼容性方面表现出色。开始菜单无用,文件索引功能失效,搜索结果主要来自Bing。Edge浏览器充斥垃圾内容。作者认为这可能是微软在旧版本上堆砌新系统的结果。应用程序和预装广告软件分散用户注意力。

Why is Windows 11 so annoying?
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