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Basics of Signal and Power Integrity 🚧

Basics of Signal and Power Integrity 🚧 This post is only available in English. References & Acknowledgements Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified, 3rd Edition Original: https://wiki-power.com/ This post is protected by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 agreement, should be reproduced with attribution. Signal Integrity (SI) refers to the quality of the signal on the signal line. Good signal integrity means that the level on the signal line reaches the preset value as expected, no more or less. As clock frequencies and data rates increase, identifying and solving signal-integrity problems becomes critical.

本文介绍了信号完整性的基础知识,强调了随着时钟频率和数据速率的提高,信号完整性的重要性变得更加关键。参考文献为《Signal and Power Integrity - Simplified, 3rd Edition》。

信号完整性 参考文献 数据速率 时钟频率

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