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Time-series data ingestion from Rust WebAssembly application, leveraging GreptimeDB and WasmEdge

What is WebAssembly WebAssembly is a new instruction format that offers cross-platform compatibility and execution speeds close to native machine code. By compiling C/C++ or Rust code into WebAssembly, program performance can be enhanced within browsers. Additionally, in environments outside of browsers, particularly at the edge of CDNs or IoT, WebAssembly can be used to implement advanced functionalities like sandboxing and dynamic loading of plugins. What is WasmEdge WasmEdge is a sandbox project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), offering the sandboxing capabilities mentioned earlier. It allows developers to extend the resources and interfaces they can access on top of the standard WebAssembly. For instance, WasmEdge provides additional capabilities such as TLS, networking, and AI abilities for Wasm, significantly enriching its range of applications. WasmEdge GitHub address: Installing GreptimeDB and WasmEdge If you have already installed GreptimeDB, you can skip this step. Download and run GreptimeDB curl -L | sh ./greptime standalone start Install WasmEdge curl -sSf | bash -s Writing a GreptimeDB WASM Application In WasmEdge, we can use the MySQL protocol to connect Rust-written applications to GreptimeDB. First, create a new Rust project using cargo new. Our compilation target will be wasm32-wasi. You can create a .cargo/config.toml file in the project root directory to specify the default compilation target. This way, you won't need to specify --target after every cargo build command. # .cargo/config.toml [build] target = "wasm32-wasi" Edit the Cargo.toml to add dependencies. The application of mysql_async requires the tokio runtime and WasmEdge maintains the modified versions of these two libraries, enabling them to be compiled into WebAssembly code and run in the WasmEdge environment. [package] name = "greptimedb" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] mysql_async_wasi = "0.31" time = "0.3" tokio_wasi = { version = "1", features = [ "io-util", "fs", "net", "time", "rt", "macros"] } To further edit the src/ file and incorporate database access logic, you should follow these steps. The following code will demonstrate: Reading the database address from environment variables and creating a connection pool. Executing SQL statements to create a data table. Inserting data. Querying data. Define data structure #[derive(Debug)] struct CpuMetric { hostname: String, environment: String, usage_user: f64, usage_system: f64, usage_idle: f64, ts: i64, } impl CpuMetric { fn new( hostname: String, environment: String, usage_user: f64, usage_system: f64, usage_idle: f64, ts: i64, ) -> Self { Self { hostname, environment, usage_user, usage_system, usage_idle, ts, } } } Initializing a database connection pool use mysql_async::{ prelude::*, Opts, OptsBuilder, Pool, PoolConstraints, PoolOpts, Result, }; use time::PrimitiveDateTime; fn get_url() -> String { if let Ok(url) = std::env::var("DATABASE_URL") { let opts = Opts::from_url(&url).expect("DATABASE_URL invalid"); if opts .db_name() .expect("a database name is required") .is_empty() { panic!("database name is empty"); } url } else { "mysql://root:pass@".into() } } #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // Alternative: The "easy" way with a default connection pool // let pool = Pool::new(Opts::from_url(&*get_url()).unwrap()); // let mut conn = pool.get_conn().await.unwrap(); // Below we create a customized connection pool let opts = Opts::from_url(&*get_url()).unwrap(); let builder = OptsBuilder::from_opts(opts); // The connection pool will have a min of 1 and max of 2 connections. let constraints = PoolConstraints::new(1, 2).unwrap(); let pool_opts = PoolOpts::default().with_constraints(constraints); let pool = Pool::new(builder.pool_opts(pool_opts)); let mut conn = pool.get_conn().await.unwrap(); Ok(()) } Creating a data table // Create table if not exists r"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wasmedge_example_cpu_metrics ( hostname STRING, environment STRING, usage_user DOUBLE, usage_system DOUBLE, usage_idle DOUBLE, ts TIMESTAMP, TIME INDEX(ts), PRIMARY KEY(hostname, environment) );" .ignore(&mut conn) .await?; Inserting data let metrics = vec![ CpuMetric::new( "host0".into(), "test".into(), 32f64, 3f64, 4f64, 1680307200050, ), CpuMetric::new( "host1".into(), "test".into(), 29f64, 32f64, 50f64, 1680307200050, ), CpuMetric::new( "host0".into(), "test".into(), 32f64, 3f64, 4f64, 1680307260050, ), CpuMetric::new( "host1".into(), "test".into(), 29f64, 32f64, 50f64, 1680307260050, ), CpuMetric::new( "host0".into(), "test".into(), 32f64, 3f64, 4f64, 1680307320050, ), CpuMetric::new( "host1".into(), "test".into(), 29f64, 32f64, 50f64, 1680307320050, ), ]; r"INSERT INTO wasmedge_example_cpu_metrics (hostname, environment, usage_user, usage_system, usage_idle, ts) VALUES (:hostname, :environment, :usage_user, :usage_system, :usage_idle, :ts)" .with(metrics.iter().map(|metric| { params! { "hostname" => &metric.hostname, "environment" => &metric.environment, "usage_user" => metric.usage_user, "usage_system" => metric.usage_system, "usage_idle" => metric.usage_idle, "ts" => metric.ts, } })) .batch(&mut conn) .await?; Quering data let loaded_metrics = "SELECT * FROM wasmedge_example_cpu_metrics" .with(()) .map( &mut conn, |(hostname, environment, usage_user, usage_system, usage_idle, raw_ts): ( String, String, f64, f64, f64, PrimitiveDateTime, )| { let ts = raw_ts.assume_utc().unix_timestamp() * 1000; CpuMetric::new( hostname, environment, usage_user, usage_system, usage_idle, ts, ) }, ) .await?; println!("{:?}", loaded_metrics); The tokio and mysql_async libraries provided by the WasmEdge team are fully compatible with the original version's programming interface, allowing for a seamless transition of Rust applications to the WebAssembly platform. By compiling this project, we can get the greptimedb.wasm file. cargo build ls -lh target/wasm32-wasi/debug/greptimedb.wasm Run our application through WasmEdge: wasmedge --env "DATABASE_URL=mysql://localhost:4002/public" target/wasm32-wasi/debug/greptimedb.wasm The above sample program has been added to the WasmEdge database usage demonstration. You can find the full source code in the GitHub repository at Conclusion WasmEdge offers expanded capabilities for WebAssembly applications. If you deploy your application in a WebAssembly environment, you can also use the OpenTelemetry SDK in the future to collect metric data and store it directly in GreptimeDB. Download GreptimeDB now or activate a GreptimeCloud instance to run the above example and experience the convenience of time-series data ingestion for Rust WebAssembly applications.

WebAssembly(Wasm)是一种新的指令格式,可在浏览器中编译C/C++或Rust代码为WebAssembly,提高性能。WasmEdge是CNCF的沙箱项目,扩展了WebAssembly的功能,如TLS、网络和AI能力。文章介绍了安装GreptimeDB和WasmEdge,并展示了使用Rust编写GreptimeDB的WASM应用程序。WasmEdge可与OpenTelemetry SDK一起使用,将指标数据存储在GreptimeDB中。

GreptimeDB OpenTelemetry SDK Rust WasmEdge WebAssembly

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