Announcing SharePoint Framework 1.17.2 for Microsoft 365 extensibility


We are excited to announce a new public version of the SharePoint Framework, v1.17.2, with updates and fixes across the different areas of Microsoft 365 extensibility. The post Announcing SharePoint Framework 1.17.2 for Microsoft 365 extensibility appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

微软推出SharePoint Framework 1.17.2版本,修复多个问题,是构建Microsoft 365企业解决方案的最简单方法,具有自动单一登录、自动托管和行业标准的Web堆栈工具。用户可通过多种工具构建解决方案,加入微软社区了解更多信息。

Announcing SharePoint Framework 1.17.2 for Microsoft 365 extensibility
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