Automating Physical Backups of MongoDB on Kubernetes


We at Percona talk a lot about how Kubernetes Operators automate the deployment and management of databases. Operators seamlessly handle lots of Kubernetes primitives and database configuration bits and pieces, all to remove toil from operation teams and provide a self-service experience for developers. Today we want to take you backstage and show what is really […]

Percona Operator for MongoDB可以自动部署和管理数据库,使用Operator可以轻松处理Kubernetes原语和数据库配置,减轻运维团队的工作量,为开发者提供自助服务。Percona Backup for MongoDB可以显著提高恢复时间,Percona Operator for MongoDB可以简化Kubernetes上应用的部署和管理,物理备份和恢复是MongoDB集群的热门功能。

Automating Physical Backups of MongoDB on Kubernetes
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