Safeguarding Digital Frontiers: How Comprehensive Discovery Transforms IT Security


In today’s technology-driven world, the role of IT operations management has evolved beyond ensuring smooth operations to also include some of the critical aspects of cybersecurity. Network blind spots, inadequately managed software licenses, outdated software, and other security vulnerabilities have become the Achilles’ heel of many organizations, and organizations need a powerful ally to tackle […]

IT运营管理已经发展到包括网络安全,组织必须采取积极措施来解决漏洞和加强网络安全防御。BMC Helix Discovery是一种全面的发现和安全解决方案,可以保护基础设施并为数字景观的整体弹性做出贡献。它提供了整个IT景观的全景视图,消除了可能隐藏潜在威胁的盲点。

Safeguarding Digital Frontiers: How Comprehensive Discovery Transforms IT Security
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