Wim Bertels: PGConf.be 2023


A round up of the third PGConf.be The shared presentations are online, as are a couple of recordings and turtle-loading have-a-cup-of-tea locally stored photos. Using the well known and broadly spread technique of inductive reasoning we came to the conclusion that this third PGConf.be conference was a success, as well as the art work. No animals or elephants we’re hurt during this event. The statistics are 75 participants with a low to medium standardeviation regarding attendance time depending on the sessions, an extra 30 to 70 students attended as well 10 speakers 4 sponsors This conference wouldn’t have been possible without the help of volunteers. To conclude a big thank you to all the speakers, sponsors and attendants. Without them a conference is just a like tee party.


Wim Bertels: PGConf.be 2023
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