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An Overview of Indexes in MySQL 8.0: MySQL CREATE INDEX, Functional Indexes, and More

This blog was originally published in January 2022 and was updated in July 2023.Working with hundreds of different customers, I often face similar problems around running queries. One very common problem when trying to optimize a database environment is index usage. A query that cannot use an index is usually a long-running one, consuming more […]

这篇博客介绍了MySQL中索引的作用和使用,以及函数索引的概念和工作原理。索引是用于优化数据检索速度和效率的数据库结构,通过在列上创建索引,可以快速定位与特定查询匹配的行。函数索引是MySQL 8.0.13版本开始支持的功能,可以解决某些查询无法使用索引的问题。关键词:MySQL、索引、函数索引、优化、查询

MySQL 优化 函数索引 查询 索引

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