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Traffic transparency: unleashing the power of Cloudflare Trace

Today, we are excited to announce Cloudflare Trace! Cloudflare Trace is available to all our customers. Cloudflare Trace enables you to understand how HTTP requests traverse your zone's configuration and what Cloudflare Rules are being applied to the request

Cloudflare推出Cloudflare Trace工具,帮助客户了解HTTP请求如何穿越其区域配置以及应用了哪些Cloudflare规则。该工具允许用户设置请求变量,包括请求头、请求体和机器人评分,以精确地定制跟踪。Cloudflare Trace将在未来的一周内向所有客户提供,并将推出其他功能和产品。

Cloudflare HTTP请求 Trace 客户 规则

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