Henrietta Dombrovskaya: My Own Creature is Out of Control!


It’s embarrassing; it really is. We are working on the second edition of the PostgeSQL Query Optimization book. Our postrge_air database is promoted to three years ahead, so it is not in the pandemic anymore :).Postgres Air airlines do not fly to Russia anymore. Boris completed a tremendous job of fixing unevenly distributed bookings, filling in the flights which had almost no passengers, and making tons of other improvements. And I run all examples on PG 15. Yes, things are different, but not that different; after all, I am explaining very fundamental concepts. Now, imagine that: Postges is giving me a wrong execution plan! In the chapter where I explain how to make sure that Postgres would use the right execution plan, where I explain how to be sure that proper indexes are used, in this very chapter, I can’t make my example work how it should work, and how it worked (correctly) for the first edition of the book! I’ve already spent two hours on this one example, and I am going to sleep on it and hope that tomorrow that magic will happen. I still can’t believe it! I promise to report when I find out what the problem is! … Yes, I ran anlayze:)


Henrietta Dombrovskaya: My Own Creature is Out of Control!
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