
【My Rust Crate】obtains linux local information

get_local_info Project Introduction get_local_info is a Rust crate that obtains linux local information,Its goal is to solve the difficulty of obtaining Linux local information.Support Chinese operating systems such as KyLin, UOS, HarmonyOS, etc Project maintenance: long-term Current features: 1.Network function 1.1 Obtain network interface information 1.2 Obtain activity network card information: Netcard name IPv4 IPv6 mac Obtain external IPv4 address Domain name resolution 2.Get system version Kylin10 supports 2017 and above Ubuntu supports 18.04 and above UOS20 supports 1020 and above 3.System function Process detection Virtual Machine Detection Dual system detection 4.Security information detection topsec Antivirus Database Date Detection 5.File Info Traverse all files in the specified directory How to use 1.cargo add get_local_info 2.Import into your project extern crate get_local_info; fn main() { println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_net_card_name()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_ipv4()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_ipv6()); println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_mac()); println!("{:?}", get_local_info::get_pc_net_card_info()); // osname: ubuntu or uos or kylin let osname = "uos"; println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_ver(osname)); //check proccess name let pname = "gnome"; println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_check_pname(pname)); // flase is Real machine, true is vm println!("Running in VM:{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_is_vm()); // true is multi os println!("multi os:{}", get_local_info::get_pc_system_is_d_sys()); // Obtain the update time of the antivirus database let antiname = "topsec"; println!("{}", get_local_info::get_pc_check_antiviruslib(antiname)); //Traverse all files in the specified directory let idir = "/opt"; println!("{:?}", get_local_info::get_dir_filename(idir)); let uri = ""; println!("{}", get_local_info::network::get_ww_ipv4(uri)); let hostname = ""; let parse_ip = get_local_info::network::get_domain_ip(hostname); println!("domain parse_ip:{:?}",parse_ip); } About the Author Liu Qiang in Wuhan, China crates: github: mail: Created on 2023.12.28

get_local_info是一个Rust crate,用于获取Linux本地信息,支持KyLin、UOS、HarmonyOS等中文操作系统。目前功能包括网络功能、系统版本获取、系统功能、安全信息检测和文件信息获取等。使用方法为添加依赖并导入到项目中。作者是中国武汉的刘强。

crate linux rust

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