1.77.0 pre-release testing


The 1.77.0 pre-release is ready for testing. The release is scheduled for March 21. Release notes can be found here. You can try it out locally by running: RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org rustup update stable The index is https://dev-static.rust-lang.org/dist/2024-03-17/index.html. You can leave feedback on the internals thread. The release team is also thinking about changes to our pre-release process: we'd love your feedback on this GitHub issue.

1.77.0预发布版已准备好测试,计划于3月21日发布。可以在本地运行RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org rustup update stable进行尝试。反馈可在内部线程上留言。发布团队也在考虑对预发布流程进行改变,欢迎在GitHub问题上提供反馈。

1.77.0 pre-release testing
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