Say What? Chat With RTX Brings Custom Chatbot to NVIDIA RTX AI PCs


Chatbots are used by millions of people around the world every day, powered by NVIDIA GPU-based cloud servers. Now, these groundbreaking tools are coming to Windows PCs powered by NVIDIA RTX for local, fast, custom generative AI. Chat with RTX, now free to download, is a tech demo that lets users personalize a chatbot with Read Article

RTX是一款免费的技术演示应用程序,使用NVIDIA RTX加速,让用户能够个性化聊天机器人并快速获取相关答案。用户可以将本地文件作为数据集连接到开源的大型语言模型,以进行快速查询。该工具支持多种文件格式,并在本地运行,保护用户数据的安全性。开发者可以使用该应用程序作为参考项目,开发和部署自己的基于RAG的应用程序。

Say What? Chat With RTX Brings Custom Chatbot to NVIDIA RTX AI PCs
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