


使用MongoDB和人工智能技术构建创新的应用程序,提升Python AI项目的能力,实现预测性维护和PDF搜索等功能。

Building Gen AI Applications Using Iguazio and MongoDB


AI can lead to major enterprise advancements and productivity gains. By offering new capabilities, they open up opportunities for enhancing customer engagement, content creation, process...


Building Gen AI Applications Using Iguazio and MongoDB
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The MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) is Now Available


At MongoDB, everything starts with helping our customers solve their application and data challenges (regardless of use case). We talk to customers every day, and they’re excited about gen AI. But...

MongoDB发布了MongoDB AI应用程序计划(MAAP),旨在帮助组织采用人工智能技术。MAAP提供参考架构、技术集成、专业服务和支持等资源,帮助客户构建和部署AI应用。该计划与Accenture、AWS、Google Cloud和Microsoft Azure等技术领导者合作。MAAP提供了通用AI应用的中央架构、预配置集成和专业服务,以解决数据孤岛和技术专业知识有限的问题。MAAP的最终目标是帮助客户充分利用数据,并自信地进行AI创新。

The MongoDB AI Applications Program (MAAP) is Now Available
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magicpin Builds India's Largest Hyperlocal Retail Platform on MongoDB


Despite its trillion-dollar economy, 90% of retail consumption in India still takes place offline. While online retail in India has grown in recent years, much of it still consists of dark stores...

magicpin是印度最大的本地零售平台,与当地零售商合作,提供额外优惠,增加顾客流量。使用MongoDB Atlas作为核心技术,存储超过6亿个SKU,并处理其SaaS平台、会话缓存、卡片和订单管理。Atlas使得操作和扩展变得无缝,提高可用性,监控和路由功能也非常好。

magicpin Builds India's Largest Hyperlocal Retail Platform on MongoDB
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Using Compact in Percona Server for MongoDB From Version 4.4+


In the previously posted blog, Compaction in Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB), we discussed how compact works before version 4.4. In this blog, we will see how compact works on PSMDB 6.0. I...

本文介绍了在Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB) 6.0上如何进行压缩操作。在删除集合中的大量数据后,需要将删除的空间返回给操作系统以供其他数据库或集合使用。在运行压缩命令之前,需要进行一些准备工作,并在次要节点上运行压缩命令。压缩命令可以在副本集和分片集群中的每个节点上运行。压缩命令不能在mongos上运行。压缩操作可以释放磁盘空间,并且在次要节点上运行时可以进行数据复制和读取操作。压缩命令运行期间,可以通过Mongo日志或运行db.currentOp()命令来查看进度。压缩完成后,可以使用相同的命令检查释放的空间。

Using Compact in Percona Server for MongoDB From Version 4.4+
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Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Prevention With MongoDB Vector Search and OpenAI


Fraud and anti-money laundering (AML) are major concerns for both businesses and consumers, affecting sectors like financial services and e-commerce. Traditional methods of tackling these issues,...

欺诈和反洗钱是企业和消费者关注的重点,传统解决方法存在局限性,向量搜索可以提高效果。MongoDB Atlas Vector Search结合实时分析,帮助组织发现隐藏的洞察力。技术演进包括风险1.0、风险2.0和风险3.0。Atlas Vector Search结合OpenAI嵌入,提供强大的实时分析和向量搜索的组合,发现传统方法无法捕捉的洞察力。

Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Prevention With MongoDB Vector Search and OpenAI
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Meet the 2024 MongoDB Community Champions!


MongoDB is excited to announce our new cohort of Community Champions! MongoDB Community Champions comprise an inspirational global group of passionate, dedicated MongoDB advocates—including...


Meet the 2024 MongoDB Community Champions!
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Teach & Learn with MongoDB: Professor Abdussalam Alawini, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


In this series of interviews, we talk to students and educators around the world who are using MongoDB to make their classes more engaging and relevant. By exploring their stories, we uncover how...


Teach & Learn with MongoDB: Professor Abdussalam Alawini, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes with Percona Everest


Percona Everest is the first open source platform designed for automated database provisioning and management. It supports multiple database technologies and can be hosted on any Kubernetes...

Percona Everest是一个为自动化数据库提供和管理而设计的开源平台,支持多种数据库技术,并可在任何Kubernetes基础设施上托管。它利用Percona Operators的功能来完成繁重的工作,提供易于使用的Web界面。本文介绍了如何部署MongoDB数据库集群。Percona Everest通过自动化备份、恢复和无缝更新简化了MongoDB集群的管理,利用Kubernetes的编排能力确保高可用性、自动扩展和自愈能力。

Deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes with Percona Everest
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Building Gen AI with MongoDB & AI Partners | June 2024


Even for those of us who work in AI, keeping up with the latest news in the AI space can be head-spinning. In just the last few weeks, OpenAI introduced their newest model (GPT-4o), Anthropic...


Building Gen AI with MongoDB & AI Partners | June 2024
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Elevate Your Python AI Projects with MongoDB and Haystack


MongoDB is excited to announce an integration with Haystack, enhancing MongoDB Atlas Vector Search for Python developers. This integration amplifies our commitment to providing developers with...

MongoDB与Haystack集成,增强了MongoDB Atlas Vector Search的功能,为Python开发人员提供了先进的工具,用于构建围绕语义搜索和大型语言模型的人工智能应用。Haystack是一个开源的Python框架,简化了人工智能应用的开发过程。集成还提供了强大的搜索功能,使应用程序能够提供更准确和上下文相关的响应。

Elevate Your Python AI Projects with MongoDB and Haystack
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