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了解Visual Studio 2022 17.11的新功能、调试技巧以及C++更新等内容。

MSVC Backend Updates in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11


Visual Studio 2022 17.11 brings new optimizations, intrinsics, features, and improvements to the MSVC backend. Check out the highlights below:  Performance improvements and additional...


MSVC Backend Updates in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11
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Enhancing your Visual Studio authentication experience


The current cyber security climate demands that applications not only provide outstanding features but also prioritize the security of user data. Applications like Visual Studio rely on...

自2022年起,Visual Studio将使用Windows身份验证代理(WAM)作为默认身份验证方法,提供更高的安全性和简化的用户体验。WAM支持条件访问策略,减少了与令牌身份验证相关的常见漏洞。此外,WAM还可以利用Windows Hello和FIDO等功能,简化身份验证过程,保护凭据免受恶意行为的侵害。用户只需更新至17.11或更高版本,即可开始使用WAM。

Enhancing your Visual Studio authentication experience
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New GitHub Copilot features in Visual Studio 2022 17.11


Visual Studio 2022 17.11 now brings exciting advancements from GitHub Copilot! This release significantly improves how GitHub Copilot integrates into your development workflow, offering smarter...

Visual Studio 2022 17.11为GitHub Copilot引入了新功能,包括增强的上下文理解、改进的代码补全、AI调试和命名的洞察力,以及引用完整解决方案的能力。它可以为C++标识符生成命名建议,提供AI生成的断点表达式,并提供符号的AI生成摘要。用户现在可以在接受之前优化代码补全。新的内容排除功能确保敏感信息得到保护。

New GitHub Copilot features in Visual Studio 2022 17.11
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Clean Architecture P 9: Setting Up the Application Project in Visual Studio


In our previous article, we discussed the design principles behind the Application Project, focusing on the importance of contracts, messaging, and the repository pattern. Now, it's time to put...

本文介绍了应用程序项目的设计原则,包括合同、消息传递和存储库模式的重要性,并通过在Visual Studio中实际实现来将理论付诸实践。

Clean Architecture P 9: Setting Up the Application Project in Visual Studio
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C++ Gaming Productivity Update for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11


Introduction In Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11, you will find brand new productivity enhancements for your game development workflows. From faster conditional breakpoints to a swath of Unreal...

Visual Studio 2022版本17.11为游戏开发工作流程引入了提高生产力的改进,包括改进的IntelliSense性能和更快的条件断点。Build Insights也得到了提升。增强了与Unreal Engine的集成,包括添加类、模块和插件的能力,以及用于简化集成的新工具栏。在Unreal项目中,蓝图引用不再需要“Visual Studio Integration Tool”插件。鼓励用户通过开发者社区提供反馈。

C++ Gaming Productivity Update for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11
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Clean Architecture P6: Structuring the Application Core with Visual Studio


In this demo, we’ll set up the solution and establish a basic structure in Visual Studio. Starting with a blank slate allows us to organize everything neatly from the beginning, ensuring a clean...

在Visual Studio中设置解决方案并建立基本结构,创建空白解决方案,添加源代码和测试代码文件夹,保持解决方案结构的干净和可管理性。

Clean Architecture P6: Structuring the Application Core with Visual Studio
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New IDE features in Visual Studio v17.11


In Visual Studio 2022 v17.11, you’ll discover several new features that address specific issues developers have reported. These updates don’t belong to a distinct category, but we’re dedicated to...

Visual Studio v17.11 introduces new features to address developer issues, including scoping options in code search, familiar keyboard shortcuts, improved component installation detection, enhanced user authentication with Web Account Manager (WAM), and new Teams Toolkit templates. Users can provide feedback and stay connected with the Visual Studio team.

New IDE features in Visual Studio v17.11
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Visual Studio 2022调试技巧:远程调试、线程检查与性能监控


引言Visual Studio 2022 是 .NET/C# 开发者的首选工具之一,不仅因其强大的代码提示和项目模板,更因其丰富的调试工具。本文将深入探讨 Visual Studio 2022 中的一些高级调试技巧,包括远程调试、线程检查和性能监控,帮助开发者在开发和维护阶段更高效地解决问题。当目标机器上无法安装 Visual Studio 或缺少必要的 SDK 时,远程调试成为解决问题的关键。以...

本文探讨了Visual Studio 2022中的高级调试技术,包括远程调试、线程检查和性能监控。它提供了安装和配置远程调试的步骤,演示了使用线程窗口分析死锁问题,并展示了性能分析器监控CPU使用情况。本文旨在帮助开发人员利用Visual Studio 2022的调试工具提高效率和代码质量。

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Enhancing Code Comprehension: GitHub Copilot’s Features in Visual Studio 2022 17.11


GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio 2022 17.11 now offers an improved experience you to refer to their methods, classes, functions, and entire solution directly within the chat. By using the # symbol...

GitHub Copilot在Visual Studio 2022 17.11中提供了更好的体验,可以直接在聊天中引用方法、类、函数和整个解决方案。通过使用#符号加上方法、类或函数的名称,或者使用@workspace引用解决方案,可以提供特定的上下文,帮助GitHub Copilot更好地理解代码和问题。此外,GitHub Copilot Chat还可以搜索整个代码库和Bing搜索结果,提供更全面的答案。

Enhancing Code Comprehension: GitHub Copilot’s Features in Visual Studio 2022 17.11
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New C++ features in Visual Studio v17.11


Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 is here and comes with a host of new features for C++ developers. We’ve made improvements across our toolchain, Unreal Engine support, Build Insights, CMake...

Visual Studio 2022版本17.11为C++开发人员引入了新功能,包括标准库、CMake调试器、虚幻引擎支持、构建洞察和断点性能的改进。更新包括格式化输出、向量化和诊断的增强功能。它还为针对Linux的CMake项目添加了CMake调试器支持,为虚幻引擎开发人员提供了新功能,改进了C++构建洞察集成的用户体验,并显著提高了条件断点的性能。欢迎反馈。

New C++ features in Visual Studio v17.11
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