Retirement of Teams live events API on Microsoft Graph


The retirement of Teams live events is set to happen on September 30th, 2024. After this date, all Teams live events services will cease to function. The post Retirement of Teams live events API on Microsoft Graph appeared first on Microsoft 365 Developer Blog.

微软宣布将于2024年9月30日停用Teams直播活动API,政府云的日期将在未来公布。Teams直播活动将被新的市政厅功能所取代,该功能将于2024年春季发布新的Microsoft Graph API。建议用户回顾应用程序并清点可能调用Teams直播活动Microsoft Graph API的应用程序。同时,建议用户开始通过Teams客户端创建和测试市政厅,以便熟悉新的流媒体体验,以便将Teams直播活动转换为市政厅活动。

Retirement of Teams live events API on Microsoft Graph
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